The Lakes Region Rotary Club helps those in need in the community. Sometimes, people need a little help to make their lives better or easier. Rotarians help by contributing their time and skills. If you have a project that you’d like help with, please contact us at

Rotarians build a ramp for a local resident in need.

Serving Meals

The Lakes Region Rotary Club serves meals at the Salvation Army in Laconia every other month. Rotarians provide the food and serve it to those who come to enjoy a home cooked meal. The Lakes Region Rotary Club has been participating in lunch services at the Salvation Army for over 10 years, providing over 2400 meals in total.

Helping where needed!
Whether buying socks for those in need, cleaning up the environment, ringing the bell, or planting flowers to improve our community, Rotarians step up to answer the call.